About Yoga Therapy


What is Yoga?

Yoga means union, and the “goal” of yoga, is to connect the mind, body and spirit, uniting us with our true nature through a process of self-discovery and consistent practice. Yoga is an ancient philosophy and its intention is to help reduce human suffering (known as duhkah) and live more easefully. There are 8 limbs of yoga and these 8 limbs are defined in the ancient texts of the Yoga Sutras, which are compilation of aphorisms. These aphorisms articulate the case for yoga, and help the practitioner learn how to live fully and mindfully. The 8 limbs cover the physical aspect (Asana) along with how conduct ourselves and treat others (Yamas and the Niyamas), breathing (Pranayama) and meditation (Pratyahara, Dharma, Dhyana, Samadhi). Yoga supports living from a place of mindfulness, clarity, and authenticity, which helps us cultivate and maintain health, well-being and resilience.

What is Yoga Therapy?

Yoga therapy is the application of the tools of yoga in a therapeutic context to improve health and overall wellbeing, through yoga practice, that will increase self- awareness and to address an individual’s needs – physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The goals of yoga therapy include eliminating, reducing or managing symptoms that cause suffering, improve function and help to prevent the occurrence or reoccurrence of underlying causes of illness and moving toward improved health and overall wellbeing. Yoga therapy can also help client/students change their relationship to and identification with their condition and can address a wide range of concerns such as chronic pain ( low back pain, arthritis), neurologic issues (stroke, MS, Parkinson’s, TBI), mental health (anxiety, depression, PTSD and insomnia), illness support (cancer, diabetes, heart disease), and healthy aging (osteoporosis, balance and fall prevention). Yoga therapy can also offer COVID19 support, teaching functional breathing techniques that are the first line of defense against COVID and can also help with post COVID 19 long haul symptoms.

What is a Yoga Therapist?

A yoga therapist offers an integrated approach to wellness, by considering the whole human being, and applying their knowledge to help clients navigate through what is causing suffering. Through a detailed intake form and establishment of clear goals, they draw on their studies of both yoga and ayurveda (the sister science of yoga which is a natural system of medicine focused on holistic healing), biomedical, psychological and therapeutic tools and develop personalized practices to help clients feel better and equip and empower them to reduce suffering and deal with challenges life brings.

What is Viniyoga?

Viniyoga is a branch of yoga that allows for adaptations to meet the needs of the individual, providing each participant the tools to practice in a safe and nurturing environment, facilitating the process of self-discovery and personal transformation. Viniyoga focuses on function over form and marrying breath with movement, enabling each participant to experience yoga that meets their needs. This is accomplished by understanding each participant’s present condition and goals and adapting the practice to the individual. I refer to Viniyoga as the kinder, gentler yoga.